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Eight Random Reasons to Stay Alive

Updated: Sep 19, 2021

1. There's still hope in the world. Even when everything seems to fall apart, it always gets better and even in the worst of situations, there is some or the other silver lining.

2. There's love in the world. It's not always the obvious acts of affection. Simply a friend being there for you is love too.

3. There is still some kindness and good people living in the world who do good for others without expecting anything in return and even though they are a rare gem, trust me they are there.

4. Memes (a lighter reason), just memes. They make your day, make you laugh and also

people who share memes. They are just pure souls spreading happiness!

5. Friends and Family.

6. Amazing shows , movies, books, whatever. They are so underrated but stay alive even if it's just to watch the next season of your favourite show or read the sequel of your favourite book.

7. Purpose. Just look around you. We might be seemingly tiny in this big, big world but we're all here for a purpose. Everybody matters and just because you can't find a purpose to live right now, does not mean you don't have one or will never find one.

8. Most importantly, for yourself. You owe this one more chance to yourself. Things are never as hard as they seem and you'll get past it and in case you can't, I'm here for you.

This too shall pass.

-Arushi Malhotra

Instagram ID: @livethe_words

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