I look across the road, There is an old man sitting on the bench. I start assuming he is waiting for someone, Maybe to pick him up. I stare at him continuously, Time passes by. I wonder if his known is ever going to appear, Or maybe I should give him a ride back home. As soon as I start my car, The old man gets up, gives me a sweet smile. Maybe he was waiting for me only. I start taking a U-turn, He slowly starts walking towards me. But as soon as I look away, A truck hits him. My heart sinks in for a minute, He died holding onto the hope of me. I wonder if he knew, I wonder if it was me he was waiting for, all along. I think about it now, what all could have been different, had I been there two seconds early? Maybe someone out there is still waiting, Waiting for a complete stranger like me, To help them climb out their own pit of despair, But oh well! I was just two seconds too late.
-Jaisal Arora
Instagram ID: @jarora257
Offer a hand for help for anyone you think is in need, it could save a life🤍🤍