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The Mess is Mine

Have you ever tried de-tangling your jewellery? It’s frustrating isn’t it? Do you lose patience while de-tangling it? Being a part of Gen-Z, one thing that I’ve realised is the fact that we don’t have patience, We all want to do everything immediately. We don’t understand the meaning of patience. Constantly working and pressuring ourselves has become so normal that we don’t even think of taking a break or having me time. We don’t understand that sometimes things take time and we can’t do anything about it. Everything we’re doing, everything we want will happen and show results. Competition is so high in Gen-Z that everyone wants to be perfect without realising that, there’s no such thing as perfection, everything is flawed in a beautiful way and we need to accept that. Perfection is nothing, it’s just a myth that drives you into a pool full of anxiety, self loathing, stress and guilt. Pressuring and overburdening ourselves will never take us to the bright side and only to the negative side filled with energies we don’t need in our life. Take your day off, spend time with yourself. Sometimes, we need to take a step back and relax. Just like your tangled jewellery, understand that things take time and we can’t always hurry the process, trust the process and breathe for once!

-Alina Shanker

Instagram ID: @alinashanker

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