I’m writing this letter today to you after years of you watching my every move.
You’ve held so much power over me and influenced so many of my decisions but I now know better.
I know better than to let you affect my efforts towards my goals. You have constantly reminded me of everything that could go wrong but rarely ever does. You somehow erroneously convinced me I would let everyone down and that I’m lesser than I am, not worthy to take the risks I wanted to take. You have riddled me with anxiety and nerve wracking stress because nothing I seemed to do was enough to ward you away. You’ve stopped me from taking the leaps of faith that I would have had you not been around.
Whether it’s academics, relationships, sports or just general growth, you’ve reared your ugly head and hindered me. I now realise, you’ll never completely be out of sight. I’ll always see glimpses of you, here and there. And that’s okay because you, my greatest fear, my biggest enemy - my fear of failure, will not continue to deter me even more than the actual event of failure would.
So I’ll see you around, push you aside and go and achieve all that I know I can.
-Vani Malhotra